K’alma Spa, Miami Beach

K’alma Spa is a new spa concept located in the iconic Art Deco hotel, Hotel Victor, along Ocean Drive in South Beach, Miami. The design presented the challenge of being located on the basement level with no access to natural lighting, while requiring natural elements as part of the branding. Despite the challenges, a biophilic design is largely present throughout, invoking the feeling of being within a living, thriving, green space. Preserved moss was the element of choice as it will maintain its natural, green appearance with limited maintenance. The moss appears to overtake the horizontal wooden elements, creating the sense that nature is reclaiming this space. The concept of K’alma Spa is to provide a natural, holistic retreat from the every day hustle and bustle using Peruvian crystal color therapy that is largely rooted in Incan culture and medicine. The critical importance of earthly elements in the Incan culture and medicine laid the foundation for the biophilic design.


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